los sagrados horse & donkey rescue

It all started when founder Noel Bhavani Cianci, rescued her now beloved horse Habbibi, and shortly realized it was her calling to help more horses and donkeys in need. At Los Sagrados, their mission goes beyond rescue, they are  dedicated to assisting unwanted, neglected, abandoned, and at-risk horses in Baja Sur, helping them reach their full potential. The ranch is a sanctuary for transformation, where animals receive the care and compassion they deserve. In return, their stories inspire and heal humans, fostering awareness about the humane treatment of large animals within our community. 

Our experience at Los Sagrados was nothing short of magical. We learned to connect with the horses through ground healing and heartfelt interactions with these magnificent creatures. The entire experience was wonderful and profoundly healing. Equine Therapy, led by the gentle four-legged therapist Pacifico, helped us reduce anxiety and heal our souls. Walking side by side with Govinda, a sweet and special horse, and engaging in healing and connecting exercises, left us profoundly moved; he melted our hearts.

You can also explore the breathtaking beauty of Baja's desert trails and golden beaches on horseback with one of their wonderful rescue horses. Holistic riding lessons, which teach the fundamentals of riding and horse care, provide a meaningful experience in traditional horsemanship.

Los Sagrados is entirely volunteer-operated and donor-funded. Every donation directly supports their mission of rescue and rehabilitation. Contributions are vital to sustaining and growing Los Sagrados Sanctuary, with donations accepted in various forms. The ranch also features wonderful spaces for community gatherings, private dinners, and a charming rental unit for those wishing to stay amidst the incredible horses and donkeys. Please reach out to them directly to learn more and donate to their incredible cause! Los Sagrados

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